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Avoid VRBO Fees by booking directly with us!
Check your dates on our VRBO calendar, then fill out the contact us form.
Thanks for your interest!


Base rate (off-season): $600 per night; 3-night minimum

Holiday weekends: $750 per night; 4-night minimum

June - 3rd week in August: $1,250 per night; 1-week minimum

Last week in August: $1,000 per night; 1 week minimum

* Rates are subject to change.

Please check with Lisa to confirm the rate for your desired dates.

Once you've checked the VRBO Calendar for availability, send us a message with your desired dates, the number in your party, how many families, pets, etc.
We'll get back to you asap, usually within the hour.
If Stella's Cove is booked, check out our sister property at!

Thanks for submitting!

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